So for Labor Day weekend, which always signals the farewell to summer around these parts, I think we'll be posting an ode to our symbols of summer. If the weather participates, we'll swim in a creek, make a last batch of ice cream, boast a post of Boone's (my husband's) perfected hickory-smoked ribs, a batch of homemade lemonade, the perfect BLT, the perfect GBT... intriguing ... and how to make THE best gnocchi (read: fluffy delicious little potato dumplings) and homemade basil pesto, which as we all know, can be used on ANYTHING, and is the essence of the summer herb garden.

Hint: this has EVERYTHING to do with a GBT (mentioned above).

We grew our tomatoes in two pots on the patio this year. Smaller fruit, smaller harvest, but very convenient and we could place them in full sun. Next year, we'll try those upside-down jobbies. I resisted them this year because they're FUGLY, but they DO produce.

The basil, however, has ran us out of house & home.
I admit, by this time of year, my garden is weedy and buggy (the its-too-hot-outside bugs), and the plants that still produce hold a spot near and dear to my heart.
We're also going to be blogging (or attempting to) the huge headache refinishing our front porch has become. But how can you tuck summer in without wrapping up all your summer to-dos? Part and parcel with ice cream, man, part and parcel.

So forage into your farmers market for as long as you can in your latitude (pipe down, non-seasoners), and savor the last of the labors and fruits of summer.
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