So, I'm watching The Last of the Mohicans last night and found myself sobbing, literally, at the part where they're hiding beneath the waterfall and Daniel Day-Lewis' character tells his love that she can't survive the jump over the falls, that when the Indians capture her she's to stay alive, she's strong, she just needs to stay alive, and no matter what, "I will find you." Ugghh. That slays me.

The end of that movie finds me gasping and sobbing and blubbering and the music, dangit, does NOT help. I cry during Quigley Down Under because of the music. And fuhget about Out of Africa. Just because of the music.
But maybe I'm a sick-o or something, but I always feel BETTER after a good movie-cry. Maybe its because that movie has nothing to do with my life, and the tears are cleansing, and then I can just turn off the DVD player. Suddenly, your problems seem so trivial and normal and fix-able. That's great. So, if you find yourself with a few hours to kill this rainy (around here) Labor Day weekend, and a great tearjerker is what ya' need, here are some of my doozies.
I can't even watch this scene. Her expression, searching for him, then the shock of the execution. I close my eyes during this part of the movie, and cry just remembering it.

This movie is so underrated I think. The cast is great, the script is funny and sad, and for obvious I'm-in-love-with-a-pilot reasons this one really gets me.
I just noticed a lot of these musical scores are by John Williams. Huh.
None of these are in any particular order, its just how they just popped in my head.
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