"Storms in the Distance, or South Dakota's Light Shows."

This last visit to my Dad's in SD was a humdinger, filled with family, food, travels, partying, sight-seeing, and mostly a lot of laughs.
Good family is so good to have.
One thing this Ozarker has really noticed about South Dakota is the storms. We think they roll in quickly in the Ozarks; but I'm beginning a theory that its the fact we can't SEE them. Unless you're keeping your eye on the radar, you are often surprised in the Ozark hills. The trees are tall, the hills are, well, hill-y, and weather has a tendency to build over the top of us (storms don't always roll in, they often "pop" up).
In SD, however, storms are all around you that never hit you. Makes for great little light shows in the distance on a gorgeous evening. For example, this little humdinger we witnessed before the rest of the fam showed up on this last trip. I heard something rolling in the distance. It had been such a clear evening and day. So, I grabbed my poor camera and...

...took off running. Obviously.
My "method" of photography here was to keep clicking. I only took 14 shots if that tells you how constant the lightning was. It was unbelievable. The sky seems so huge in SD, and the storms in the distance are even more, somehow, ominous than the ones right over the top of you. Please note the little raindrops on my little camera as I'm clicking...I'm clicking...

It looks like, why, yes. Yes, I think something wicked this way DOES come. Wait, huh? Its very exciting, anyway. This is as close as this one came. But I would like to shout out to all the South Dakotans out there. You guys sure can handle stiff winds and full grocery carts. And I'm talking on a daily basis. That's a little trick ya'll have to teach me. My 3 year old got blown across a Wal-Mart parking lot, and I think people just looked at me like, "What a terrible mother; and where are you from, anyway? Eh?"
Truly though, they're hospitable, warm, friendly, helpful pepole. And - you live in a beautiful, awe-inspiring state SDs. Party on, Sturgis!!! Thanks for letting us parade the kiddies through pre-party. We are like, total posers, and we all, like, all of us, like totally got shirts. And I think, like, totally we are all just letting our friends think we totally went to Sturgis. I know I am. Totally. (Hey - I didn't SAY I did, I just didn't say I didn't. Heh heh.)
Yours truly,
American Bad-Ass
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