Please meet Jack.
Aka. Jack Skellington.

My daughter has been drawing Jack for almost 2 years now. I guess you could call her "dark", for an adorable, four-year-old girl. "Nightmare", as we familiarly refer to it after these last couple years, is Tim Burton's, "Nightmare Before Christmas". And Jack is her beleauguered, classic-protagonist hero in a story that, somehow, successfully combines Christmas AND Halloween.
Yes, we're brimming with LPS' (if you don't know, count yourself and your intact bare feet lucky), Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcakes, the requisite army of naked baby dolls, etc.
But Jack is. just. IT.
We rejoice at Halloween, because it is a celebration of all she waits for. Goblins, witches, pumpkins, bats, ghosts, and yes, monsters are welcome everywhere. Dinos are even put in that wonderful category she just can't quite share with her little girl friends. But Halloween is her time. Her favorite characters are the stars of TV, movies, the internet, the RADIO, even. Its their time; its her time.
The child is just, well, dark.
And I love her for it.
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